About Me

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San Diego, CA, United States
I am blessed to live in San Diego. People come here for a vacation and I get live here all year long. I taught 2nd grade for 43years and retired in 2013.I still volunteer in a 2nd grade at my school every Thursday. I have two grown daughters that are a very important part of my life. I am married a wonderfully patient man with two daughters a son and two granddauhters, and we live with two very entertaining cats. While I enjoy champagne at a wedding or special occasion , I do not need alcohol to have fun and it is never an option if I am upset. I truly can find joy in simple pleasures. I do not drink coffee, I am so blessed to take care of my youngest granddaughter once a week. She calls me Gamma and Bill is Popi. Hearing her say her names for us brings such joy to my heart.

Mr. and Mrs.

Mr. and Mrs.
in the romantic chairs

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Totally Ts not to be confused with Teatotalers

How did I skip Tuesday?....now it is Thursday

1, Time I need more of it, but we all have the same amount allotted for each day. When people say "I didn't have time to..." It just means they like me chose to use their time in a different way. God put me in this time and this space.

2. Television I remember when I first got a TV back in 1952. I would watch the test pattern for hours. Now I can tape the show and fast forward all the commericals. I can choose a more convenient time to watch a show. Television has come a long way...

3. Thank yous I taught my children to write them and I am teaching 2nd graders to write them. When someone has taken the time to do something for you, you need to take the time to thank them. If you have a lot of thank yous to write, then you have much to be thankful for.

4. Toasted cheese, toasted almonds, toasted english muffins are foods I love.

5. Turtle Parade That is 3 or more cars in a row when you are trying to cross the street either in a car or on foot.

Favorite joke three turtles walking in a row out of a pet shop and the owner behind them yelling stampeed.

6. tacos and tomatoes more T foods I love.

7. taste We would definitely eat less if we couldn't taste, but think of all the tasty things we'd miss.

8. Trips and travel. I've been on so many trips in the last two years. The cruise to Alaska, the trip to the Spa in Sedona, New Mexico, New York (not the city) and Washington D.C. I am learning to like travel...with my husband.

9. Our triune God. The trinity God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.

10. Tables where friends and family gather to eat good meals. My dining room table, the patio table and the little table in the kitchen that makes it okay to watch TV at the same time.

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