About Me

My photo
San Diego, CA, United States
I am blessed to live in San Diego. People come here for a vacation and I get live here all year long. I taught 2nd grade for 43years and retired in 2013.I still volunteer in a 2nd grade at my school every Thursday. I have two grown daughters that are a very important part of my life. I am married a wonderfully patient man with two daughters a son and two granddauhters, and we live with two very entertaining cats. While I enjoy champagne at a wedding or special occasion , I do not need alcohol to have fun and it is never an option if I am upset. I truly can find joy in simple pleasures. I do not drink coffee, I am so blessed to take care of my youngest granddaughter once a week. She calls me Gamma and Bill is Popi. Hearing her say her names for us brings such joy to my heart.

Mr. and Mrs.

Mr. and Mrs.
in the romantic chairs

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Very Very V

The Very Very Vs were never posted because of #1

1. Vacation We took a vacation in the middle of October to Palm Desert, and it was so relaxing I forgot to post Vs.

2. Vitamins I faithfully take them twice a day and whether they help or not I feel good so they work for me.

3. Vase I love to cut my roses and put them in a vase or two. It just makes flowers more glamorous than a jelly jar.

4. Vancouver The city in Washington where we started our cruise to Alaska in 07.

5. Vanilla It's my favorite kind of ice cream. And I love the smell in bubble bath, too.

6. Vegetables On a health exam it was suggested that I need to eat more of these. My favorites: petite peas and corn and green beans. Theoretically and botanically speaking most vegetables are really fruits so add Tomatoes and Avacadoes to this list :)

7. Verbs As I tell my 2nd graders, Verbs are where the action is, and includes everything we do.

8. Vote I thought of this list before the big election, but this was one vote I didn't want to miss.

9. Violets Such sweet smelling little flowers. I once heard a quote that said Forgiveness was the fragance of a violet on the heel of the one who crushed it. Don't step on flowers.

10. Voice Not just singing, but speaking. Nothing feels more frustrating than when a teacher loses hers.

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